Discord News Bot
To remove the annoyance check a news site I enjoy reading. This bot simply will send the articles to me via push notification through Discord.
Project Details
To create this project, I utilized several technologies that were new to me, each offering a unique learning experience. While building a Discord bot is well-documented, this was my first time engaging with their APIs and development process. I delved into the intricacies of the Discord API, gaining a deeper understanding of how to interact programmatically with Discord's platform.
Additionally, I taught myself how to use the Discord.py Python library, which is designed to handle user actions within Discord. This involved learning how to manage events, commands, and interactions in real-time, providing a seamless user experience. By mastering these new technologies, I was able to create a functional and responsive Discord bot, significantly expanding my technical skill set.
My next steps for this project include expanding the web scraping to incorporate one or two additional news sites. I also plan to host the script in a virtual machine on Azure or GCP, allowing it to run automatically at scheduled intervals.